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We Need More Prophets

July 8, 2007

Well, maybe I should say more prophets need to be who they are made to be. The church needs people with vision. I took our elder to the Externally Focused Church and he was struck by Bishop Vaughn McLaughlin message on Tuesday morning. Now this was the time that God was dealing with some personal issues in my life and so I was actually outside standing on a tree, long story so don’t ask.

Anyway, so he wanted me to purchase the message and I would recommend it to anyone. I downloaded it yesterday and had a listen. That is one thing that really struck me about what he was saying. The church needs people with vision.

His fellowship in Jacksonville, Florida is doing incredible things in the name of Jesus Christ and it is doing so because he is a prophet. He has a voice and a message and a direction and he followed it. He didn’t look to copy anyone else or get ideas from others he simply followed the call.

We need more prophets. They are people who have a message from God who will say what they need to say and do what they need to do no matter what. You see the church still kills the prophets. We want sameness and prophets always call for change. Prophets call us to be more faithful and more committed and we tend to want to just be committed enough.

How many prophets have been fired because the people didn’t want to hear what they had to say? How many were run off because people didn’t want to make the sacrifice needed, the change in direction?

How many prophets bite their tongue because they see the danger of saying what is on their heart? This to me is the hard part. The church needs prophets more then ever. People who will call the church back to its first love.

Vaughn made this call and it is one that I am chewing on today. I recommend a download and a question, who is your prophet? What does he have to say? Is it you? After going to the Externally Focused Church Conference it is clear to me God’s voice is calling out for the church to get outside of the walls so that we can impact our community.

Will we be faithful to that call? Are we willing to be prophets if we need too?

2 Comments leave one →
  1. July 9, 2007 2:02 pm


    An excellent exhortation.

    I believe you’re a prophet. Keep spreading and doing the word!


  2. July 9, 2007 7:41 pm

    Ben, Thanks for saying though I think to often the cat has my tongue.

    It is interesting that at a luncheon today I tried to say nothing but several people kept asking me until finally they asked the guy I was with to say something and he said I think Darin should say something.

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