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Kids and Vegetables

May 22, 2009

peppersWe make our children eat vegetables. How about you? They don’t really want to eat vegetables, they would prefer an ice cream sandwich. We make them anyway.

I have continued reading Influencer: The Power to Change Anything and one area of emphasis is in the fact that we can choose how we feel about something. People can change how they feel about something.

I have been thinking about this in relation to service. How do you feel about service to others? What thoughts go through your mind when you think about being totally selfless? What feelings do you have?

Do you feel like someone is going to take advantage of you? Are you worried that you will never get your away? That you will be used and abused? Really, how do you feel about self-sacrifice?

The way you feel about it may say a lot about how you live your life.

This Sunday we will talk about our feelings about sacrifice. We will also talk about the feeling to be great and what happens to both of these when we come face to face with Jesus words.

I hope you will join us.

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